Jesus - The Good Shepherd
Today is the day.
Today is the day that all of history – all of His story – has been leading up to.
Today is the day the One who declared, “I am the Good Shepherd” will lay down His life for the sheep.
The Good Shepherd will exchange His rod and staff for a wooden cross.
The Good Shepherd will exchange His head covering for a crown of thorns.
The Good Shepherd will be stripped of His robe and His dignity.
Crowds who followed now mocked.
Angry voices shouted and laughed.
The pounding of nails echoed eerily.
Blood dripped slowly.
Death loomed largely.
The cross was raised and the sun grew dark.
The Son cried out as the Father turned His face.
It is finished.
The veil split as the earth shook.
Terror and grief overcame those who witnessed the Son of God dead on a cross.
The Good Shepherd laid Himself down for His sheep.
Jesus gave up His life for all those who would believe.
All He endured that day we will never fully comprehend. And He did so willingly, purposefully, lovingly. He did so in order that we might never have to suffer the punishment our sins deserve. He died that we might live. What a Good Shepherd!
The day we call “Good Friday” was actually the worst day in all of human history; the day when the holy, perfect, innocent Son of God – the light of life, the bread of life, the door to life, the source of life – laid down His life. Dead – executed as a criminal.
Good Friday is only good because His story is not over.
Today is Friday…but Sunday’s coming!