Who Am I?

O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens…When I see and consider your heavens, and the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, the sun and the clouds, that you have ordained and put in their place, who am I that you are mindful of me? A mere human, that you should care for me?

Yet you have fearfully and wonderfully made me and positioned me a little lower than yourself, bearing your image, just under the heavenly beings. You have crowned me with glory and honor. You have seen fit to give me dominion and responsibility over the created things of this world…

Oh Lord, my Lord, how excellent and glorious is your name in all the earth! 

– Psalm 8

 I have recently seen the magnificent beauty of God’s creation in ways I’d never seen before – bright blue skies and white fluffy clouds hovering over rugged mountains and ocean waters, the intricate interweaving of a banyan tree, lush green plants with unique patterns and designs, and a host of brilliant-colored blooming trees and flowers. Truly a glimpse of paradise. As I spot new green life growing from the cracks of dormant volcanic rock, carefully climb mountains that overlook the powerful rushing blue waters capped in white, I breathe in the presence of an Almighty God and sense His glory invading my soul…and feel so incredibly small.

Yet of all the amazing and incomparable things God has created, mankind is the pinnacle of His creation. You and I have been crowned with glory and honor by the God who reigns over all.

Who am I that Almighty God is mindful of me – a little, insignificant, weak, fragile, sinful human being such as I? As a human being, I belong to the one part of all God has designed to not only point to Himself, but to also bear His image. I hear the roar of the waters, feel the blaze of the sun, see the cascading waterfall on the mountainside. I touch the soft, hot sand on the beach aware that He keeps count of every grain. I smell the hint of morning rain. I taste the delicious delicacies of Hawaiian life. I have undoubtedly lived in the goodness of God. 

I take in all of this majesty, and as I stand at the base of a giant eucalyptus tree whose trunk has been painted by the hand of God Himself, I find it inconceivable that of everything that He has made, I am His prized possession, crowned with glory and honor. We are what matters most to Him. I will never fully grasp this powerful truth. But I sit in it, eternally grateful for it. I continue to be in awe of who God is, all He has made, and what He has done. My prayer is that as His imager bearer, I will reflect Him well, remembering that I am His beloved. I pray that His name will always be as majestic in my own heart and life as it is excellent and glorious in all the earth.


My “Yes” Is On The Table


In The Shadow Of The Cross